Those hot temperatures are right around the corner and it’s time to start preparing your manufactured home community for summer. Keeping up with maintenance will help ensure that your amenities are safe for the tenants and reduce your liability if an injury occurs. These tips will also help your business save on energy costs and keep your community looking great.
Service and Repair Community Amenities
With summer fast approaching, you can expect your residents to start spending more time outside. Kids will be out of school for the summer, so if your community has a swimming pool or a playground, you can count on those seeing an uptick in traffic. For all of the amenities and common areas your community offers, you want to make sure that the safety rules are clearly posted where the tenants can read them. Inspect swimming pools and playground equipment for damage to prevent injury or improper usage. All swimming pool, safety guidelines, and regulations must be met 100% of the time with no exception. The massive liability for having a swimming pool massive injury or drowning is simply too high to justify any safety non-compliance issue. Make sure these areas are regularly checked and cleaned throughout the summer.
Check out this article to get a list of pool safety rules here.
Grounds Maintenance
Ensuring that the landscaping around your manufactured home community stays maintained will help it look more inviting to potential tenants and create a positive experience for current residents. During the summer, grass and weeds can get out of control quickly. It is important to regularly mow and prune trees and shrubs. To enhance the look of the office building and entrance to the community, consider adding garden beds with flowers.

Save on Energy Costs
With summer comes rising temperatures and energy bills. Making sure your office building is ready for it can help lower the costs. Any leaks, whether in the roof or windows, can have a substantial impact on your energy bills. This can compromise your insulation and affect the efficiency of your cooling system. If you notice rising energy bills or water damage, it could be a sign that your roof or windows are due for an upgrade. It is also advised to have your HVAC system checked and serviced before summer starts. This will ensure that it is running as efficiently as possible.
If you have any questions about protecting your tenants and community this summer, check out the resources page or contact us through our website here.