The purchase of a mobile or manufactured home is a unique process. Unlike a traditional home, the manufactured home is rarely purchased on the property where it is to stay. As a result, there will come a time when it will need to be transported to its final location.

Whether you are in the business of selling and transporting your inventory of manufactured homes or you are strictly offering the service of hauling mobile and manufactured homes to their final address, there are plenty of risks to consider in providing this service. When you work with the representatives from Mobile Insurance, you will no longer feel uneasy during the mobile home’s commute from its original location to its final destination.

Whenever large objects are being transported from one place to another, there is more liability involved. The truck could be involved in an accident or the manufactured or modular home could be damaged in transit. As a result, standard vehicle insurance is not enough to protect the property the mobile home moving truck is carrying. Rely on an insurance team that understands all the risks.

While it is very important to protect the mobile home while it is in transit to your client’s address, there are additional risks you need to protect yourself against during the installation of the new owner’s

modular or manufactured home. Improper installation or damage incurred to the home during the installation process can be costly and you will be held responsible. Since potentially dangerous elements are involved with installing a manufactured home such as electricity, water, and gas lines, damage to the property during installation is not your only concern. Should faulty installation result in the property burning down and people becoming injured, the liability could cause irreparable damage to your business.

With Mobile Insurance, you’ll receive all the coverage you need to safely transport mobile, manufactured, and modular homes, including:

  • General Liability Insurance
  • Toter Liability Insurance, and
  • Cargo Insurance

Mobile Insurance works with fair and ethical insurance companies offering comprehensive insurance coverage at the best value. These companies include the following:

  • American Modern Insurance Company
  • Carolina Casualty Insurance Company
  • Essex Insurance Company
  • Nautilus Insurance Company
  • Northland Insurance Company
  • Southern County Mutual
  • and others

Your clients’ new home will be protected no matter what happens during transit with insurance coverage from Mobile Insurance.

Transporter and Installer Insurance

This provides coverage while transporting your inventory. Please download this application, provide as much information as possible and email it to or fax to 281-292-7429.